Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases in which the optic nerve is damaged leading to irreversible loss of visual field. The optic nerve damage is caused by the raised intra ocular pressure although it may occur with normal IOP also. Glaucoma causes raised pressure in the eye, which leads to impairment of visual fields and finally vision loss. Contact your ophthalmologist If you have a family history of glaucoma or you observe any signs pointing towards glaucoma to determine the right treatment option for you.

Symptoms :-

  • Blurred vision
  • Halos
  • Redness
  • Severe Pain
  • Headache
  • Frequent change of glasses
  • Blind spots in visual field


Who is at risk for glaucoma?

  • Someone with a family h/o glaucoma
  • >40 years of age
  • Trauma to eye
  • Long term steroid usage
  • Blood pressure / Diabetes
  • High Myopia / Hyperopia
  • Previous Injury to Eye

How is it detected ?

  • Tonometry – Measurement of the intraocular pressure [tension]
  • Gonioscopy – Inspection of the drainage angle of the eye
  • Ophthalmoscopy – Evaluation of optic nerve damage
  • Perimetry – Testing the visual field of each eye
  • OCT – Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT)



  • Eye drops
  • Oral Medications
  • Laser
  • Surgery – Glaucoma valve / shunt


Contact your ophthalmologist If you have a family history of glaucoma or you observe any signs pointing towards glaucoma to determine the right treatment option for you