The eye’s natural transparent  lens becomes opaque and limits your ability to see clearly. The lens, a transparent structure in your eye, works like the lens in a camera. Just as a foggy camera lens makes everything dim, a cataract makes it hard for you to see clearly. If you’re facing blurred vision or difficulty seeing in bright lights, it’s time to consider Cataract Treatment in Hyderabad to restore your clear vision and enjoy life without limitations.

Common symptoms of a cataract:

  • Blurring of vision
  • Glare or light sensitivity
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription
  • Poor night vision
  • Needing a brighter light to read
  • Double vision in one eye
  • Fading colours.

How is a cataract detected?

A comprehensive  eye examination by an ophthalmologist detects the presence and the extent of a cataract. Other conditions that could additionally compromise vision can also be detected like glaucoma , or problems involving cornea, retina and optic nerve..


How do you treat a cataract?

Surgery is the only way a cataract can be treated. It cannot be corrected with spectacles or medicines.


What should you expect from a cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is a day care, microscopic surgery performed under anaesthesia eye drops or local anaesthesia. The cloudy lens is removed with an ultrasound handpiece and a permanent artificial intraocular lens is implanted. With the availability of latest techniques and advanced intraocular lenses one can get rid of specs for distance as well as near.


After cataract surgery, you can return immediately to almost all routine activities. Medication must be administered as per the instructions.

Advantages  :


  • Micro incision resulting in faster healing and quicker recovery
  • Reduced surgical time
  • Sutureless
  • Painless surgery
  • Can resume all normal activities from the next day


TYPES OF IOL’s ( Intraocular Lenses)


Monofocal IOLs/ Multifocal IOLs /Toric IOLs/ Accomdative IOLs / Trifocal IOLs / EDOF IOLs